CIAT group
> CIAT group > news

> 15-09-2009

French President visit

Nicolas Sarkozy visits the CIAT company in Culoz

CIAT was honoured last Thursday 10 September by the presence of the President of the French Republic, Mr. Nicolas Sarkozy prior to his speech announcing the conditions for the implementation of the carbon tax in France.

The CIAT Group has been investing in eco growth for a number of years, now: whether it be products such as heat pumps and systems which respect the ecological and economic balance or its production sites, the Group has invested huge amounts and resources in the name of sustainable development. A strategic decision which has resulted in the creation of employment.

In his speech, President Sarkozy reiterated "that France has set itself the objective of reducing the consumption of energy in buildings and accommodation by almost 40% by the year 2020". He then referred to the Copenhagen climate change summit in December at which a new international climate treaty will be agreed. "Until then, France is determined to continue to argue unremittingly so that all the nations of the world volunteer to commit to the reduction of their carbon dioxide emissions". And the President added: "Our message is simple; we, Europeans, have drawn the consequences of our duty as regards climate change ... and we ask the rest of the world to do the same".

At the CIAT Group's headquarters, the President was welcomed by Mr. Jean-Pierre Falconnier, Chairman of the Supervisory Board and Francis Guaitoli, Chairman of the Directorate. On the shop floor, the atmosphere was very friendly and handshakes and discussions with the personnel were prevalent.

The French President was very attentive to the technical explanations regarding CIAT's recent innovations that were given in the industrial plant "Energy" (which houses the production units of high capacity heat pumps and chillers) and the Research and Innovation Centre.

The French President was accompanied by Jean-Louis Borloo, Minister for the Environment, Christine Lagarde, Minister of Economic Affairs, Industry and Employment, Eric Woerth, Minister of Budget, and Chantal Jouanno, Secretary of State for Ecology.

Everyone was very proud of this presidential visit which placed the spotlight on the industrial group's know-how and achievements.


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