CIAT group
> CIAT group > news

> 30-08-2011

ECO-design at CIAT

Identify then reduce the environmental impacts of our product system solutions

The CIAT Group puts into practice an eco-design policy (ISO 14062), which aims to reduce as far as possible the environmental impact of its products.

  • By acting as upstream as possible during the design phase
  • By carrying out Life Cycle Assessments - LCA - (ISO 14040).

In practice this approach is broken down into 4 phases:

1/ EVALUATE the current situation.

2/ IDENTIFY the environmental impacts that are a priority.

3/ DETERMINE the objectives for improvement.

4/ IDENTIFY then ÉVALUATE the different technical solutions.

By the widespread use of Environmental Profiles for each product, based on the LCA and destined for clients.


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