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> CIAT group > news

> 24-03-2015

CIAT provides the air handling of the Picasso Museum in Paris

Within the framework of the extensive renovation of the Picasso Museum in Paris, CIAT was chosen to provide equipment for the air handling of the entire building. The equipment installed in the museum guarantees that the air is pure and that humidity and temperature are maintained at optimum levels in order to preserve the works by slowing down the degradation process.

From restoration workshops, office areas, the auditorium and the teaching room, the building is equipped with a new HVAC installation enabling the museum to welcome 500 000 visitors every year in the best possible conditions.

Thanks to its comprehensive offer that is particularly well-suited to complex projects CIAT was able to meet the stringent constraints in terms of sound level, footprint and visual comfort by providing the following equipment:

  • 2 DynaciatPower Low Noise version water chillers with a capacity of 490kW,
  • 12 Airtech and Air Compact air handling units with an air flow of ranging from 10 000 to 20 000m3/h,
  • 2 Opera drycoolers,
  • 1 Expair closed control unit,
  • 10 Major Line confort units.

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