CIAT group
> CIAT group > news

> 04-07-2013

CIAT equips its fleet with electric cars

With a view to saving energy and reducing GHG (Greenhouse Gas) emissions, CIAT has integrated electric cars into its fleet of vehicles.

The autonomy of these electric vehicles easily enables them to travel the short distances between the different production sites in the Rhône-Alpes region. As a result, they eradicate equivalent carbon emissions generated by the diesel cars currently used (for more information see France Mobilité Electrique )

Conscious of the controversy linked to the recycling of batteries and the production of electricity in France, CIAT’s choice is positioned in line with the constraints and technological possibilities that are currently available. Indeed, while waiting for the arrival of the revolutionary vehicle of tomorrow, the electric car provides an interesting response because it lowers greenhouse gas emissions and reduces particulate pollutants that are hazardous to human health.

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