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> CIAT group > news

> 07-11-2012

Drypack by CIAT was awarded at Expobioenergia

The organising committee of  the exhibition Expobioenergia, which was held last week in Valladolid in Spain, awarded CIAT in the bioenergy sector and gave the second prize of technological innovation for the Drypack solution. CIAT was also recognized for  "it"s constant effort  in promotion of sustainable development, reduced use of natural resources and environmental protection". The dehumidification system Drypack protects biogaz installations by reducing corrosion and damages caused by impurities and at the same time it increases the installation's performance. The Drypack solution is available in three versions, which allow to meet all the requirements of biogaz dehumidification: Drypack One (up to 800 Nm3/hr), Drypack Flex (up to 2.500 Nm3/hr) and Drypack Gratification (up to 6.000 Nm3/hr).

Drypack is also exhibited at the Key Energy exhibition in Rimini (Italy) from  the 7th  to 10th  of November 2012.

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