CIAT group
> CIAT group > news

> 02-02-2012

CIAT has just been awarded a Rhône-Alpes 2011 Eco-innovation

CIAT has just been awarded a Rhône-Alpes 2011 Eco-innovation trophy for its eco-design approach within the product development project of its future comfort unit, Coadis Line.

The Eco-innovation trophies aim to promote and acquaint the public with regional companies that have developed an approach, a product or a service that is particularly exemplary in the environmental field. They are awarded by the Rhône-Alpes region, ADEME, OSEO, the Caisse des Dépôts, INPI and AFNOR grouped together under INNOV'R.

Life Cycle Assessments, progressive generalisation of product environmental evalutations... CIAT implements an eco-design policy that aims to reduce to a minimum the environmental impact of its products.

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