CIAT group
> CIAT group > news

> 10-03-2014


With a view to enriching the DYNACIAT water-to-water heat pump offer, which is the  leader on the medium power market, 2 new optional modules are today available:

  • Primary side (ground water table): the AQUATHERMIE module integratesa ITEX AGEO plate heat exchanger, sized to guarantee the correct operation of the heat pump connected to a well or ground water, and a 3 speed accelerator pump.
  • Secondary side: the HYDRAULIC module combines a buffer tank and a selection of 5 pumps which cover the Dynaciat operating range.

Equipped with preselected components that guarantee the correct operation of the installation, these modules have been designed with a view to facilitating the work of the installer.

Fitted with hydraulic accessories (expansion vessel, valve, pressure tapping), these independent and complementary modules, designed with the same casing as the Dynaciat, integrate perfectly into the machine room alongside the heat pump.

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